Why use a freelance website designer

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  • 12 February 2021

Freelance Web designers

You may ask yourself, “Why use a freelance website designer”, well there are a lot of reasons. So how many of us have used a large marketing company hoping to get better results from more experienced people?   Sometimes you can get the right company and they actually listen, or you could just become a number, and feel like they don’t even know who you are and what you wanted in the first place! So in a huge minefield who do you choose to look after your shop window on the internet?  It could be what they promise you, the “fancy” offices, the modern equipment, great salesmen that talk the talk or even some great testimonials, but in the end, what you really want is a website design that performs and generates you the perfect leads on a regular basis and makes you money.

Benefits of Freelance Web design

So here are some top tips to think about using a freelance web designer rather than a large corporate company.

  1. OK, so how good are freelancers? Well if they are as good as they say they are will not have any contracts.  How good is that!! Many larger companies tie you in for a minimum of 12 months and if they don’t perform you’re stuck with them.  If someone is as good as they say they are then asking for a zero contract should be fine.
  1. Freelance web designers love clients and more importantly love to keep them!  By spending quality time with them, regular face to face meetings rather than e-mails and helping them to achieve goals keep retention levels high.   There is nothing better than having clients so long that you almost know their business as much as them.
  1. No one really likes to talk about price but usually working with Freelance web designers, they can offer better value for money as they don’t have massive overheads and staffing to pay for.
  1. Motivation, you will find that freelance website designer is highly motivated as their clients are their salary.   They need to make sure that they are motivated for your best interests and requirements.
  1. Regular contact, now here’s a great one how many times do you have to chase up your current marketing company?  Or just get a regular monthly e-mail with some analytic stats. Well, how about actual face to face meetings and personal one to one discussions on how to improve your business and increase leads.
  1. How about getting work done on time and not running over by weeks on end with projects?  Well that’s the freelancer usually they set realistic time targets and stick to them. This means that you won’t be disappointed, and happy when your project is on time.
  2. .How about bespoke work??  There is nothing worse than getting something done only to find it’s not what you are looking for or even worse when you see your new website design somewhere else!!  All work is done to your individual requirements and bespoke to your needs. If it’s just a bit of branding or web design you can count on the work being done to the highest of standards.
  1. Finally, that personal touch, think of your freelance web designer and internet marketer as someone who will give you fantastic personal service.  Also if you are looking at someone to look after your whole website marketing or just a design you need to know that the person you are discussing your business with and future projects will understand your business needs and requirements.

In Conclusion

So take a step back and give a thought to giving a freelance web designer a chance and see what they can do for you.  If you are in the Doncaster area and you want a free consultation I would be happy to assist so give me a call on:

01302 969019 or e-mail me here.